pondělí 18. února 2013

Ronald Dworkin online and forever

Foto: David Shankbone, Wikipedia Commons
Jsem ještě příliš malé právní mládě na to, abych psala cokoliv o Ronaldu Dworkinovi (stručné životopisné sloupky zde, zde nebo zde), takže tak ani činit nehodlám, nicméně případné zájemce o jeho dílo bych ráda odkázala na několik jeho esejí, které jsou volně dostupné na The New York Review of Books, jehož byl jedním z přispěvatelů. Editoři portálu nyní učinili zajímavý časový průřez jeho dílem a vybrali šest The New York Review esejí z let 1968 až 2010. V českém právním prostředí by neměla zapadnout zejména ta z roku 1996 s názvem The Moral Reading of the Constitution: "There is a particular way of reading and enforcing a political constitution, which I call the moral reading. Most contemporary constitutions declare individual rights against the government in very broad and abstract language (...). The moral reading proposes that we all — judges, lawyers, citizens — interpret and apply these abstract clauses on the understanding that they invoke moral principles about political decency and justice."   

1 komentář:

  1. Přikládám ještě jeden odkaz na sloupek na I-CONect. Autorem je Raphael Cohen-Almagor, jenž byl jedním z Dworkinových studentů, a jenž ve svém dnešním příspěvku právě na "Ronnieho" vzpomíná:

    "I have many stories to tell about Ronnie Dworkin. Let me share with you a few. One of the highlights of my Oxford days was the weekly philosophy seminar at the All Souls Old Library. We, the students, called it “Star Wars”. It was the best show in town. On the left, Jerry Cohen. On the right, Ronnie Dworkin, and between them a “responsible adult” who would see that things do not get out of hand. The responsible adult was often David Miller who calmed the heated atmosphere when needed. Rain, snow or shine, I would not miss those debates. They were stimulating, challenging and entertaining. While Jerry was jumpy and ecstatic, Ronnie always remained calm and calculated. He would never admit to being wrong. Dworkin always believed that the truth was with him.

    During my four years at Oxford I attended all his seminars, and also some general lectures for undergraduates. If law was as interesting as Dworkin made it, I would have probably studied law… He would come to the auditorium with his empty yellow pad, and without much introduction would start a well-crafted lecture. Point A leads to point B, B leads to C, etc. All very methodical. All very clear. No sound was heard in the large auditorium besides Dworkin’s voice. You would hear a pin fall. Nothing was ever in writing. I once asked him why he was carrying the empty yellow pad. Dworkin answered: In case an idea would spark while I talk."

